This letter is being issued to you for being idle at the workplace. I received a lot of complaints from your manager but every time I ignored them thinking that you would soon change your behavior. Unfortunately, no such improvement has been reported so far.
On [date], your manager sent me a plethora of complaints against you. He brought to my notice that whenever a new task is assigned, you always put it off. Similarly, you cause a significant delay in the completion of important tasks, and every time you find new ways to get rid of work.
Likewise, your absence was reported during the most important meetings. It shows negligence towards your work. I personally observed you during my last visit to your office. You were wandering here and there and having a chit-chat with your colleagues after doing little work. I kept observing you throughout the day and you did nothing but a negligible amount of work. Your acts revealed that you have mastered the art of taking short breaks by distracting your boss.
I want to inform you that idleness is immoral and fruitless in the workplace. Your behavior is unacceptable because you are putting more and more pressure on your teammates thereby letting them down. Similarly, your performance has also become questionable.
We hired you keeping in view your excellent performance in your previous organization. It seems either we are more flexible, or you have not developed a clear understanding of your job duties. Whatever the case may be, the next meeting of the board of directors is planned to be held by the end of this month and you are advised to bring immediate improvement in your behavior. We provide a lot of perks and privileges to our employees but at the same time, we want them to perform their duties satisfactorily.
The company designs policies for creating a productive working environment and every employee must abide by these policies in letter and spirit. If an employee fails to meet our expectations, the company cannot tolerate such white elephants and such rotten eggs should be thrown out of the premises.
I regret to use harsh words, but it was necessary to make you realize the adversity of the matter. I hope you will rectify your mistakes and bring a positive improvement in your behavior very soon.
(Sample -2)
Subject: Warning for being idle at work during [XYZ]
Dear Johnson,
This warning letter is being issued in pursuance of your last meeting with the CEO, in which you were advised not to remain idle at the workplace. Your manager has brought it to our notice that you have not been able to eliminate the element of idleness from your personality.
Despite issuing you several verbal warnings, you are still showing non-diligence and unprofessionalism at the workplace. You have been a valuable employee for a long time and now you have turned yourself into an idle one. It has already been conveyed to you that your work carries key importance for the company. If you fail to make positive changes in your attitude, it may prove disastrous.
Your idleness can be justified under certain circumstances such as an unexpected fault in a machine that causes work to stop. On the other hand, it hurts when you do it deliberately and waits for the approval of your manager to accomplish even small tasks which could otherwise have been done without his prior permission.
It is again being reminded to you that this kind of approach is strongly undesirable in this company. We offer you a competitive market-based salary package along with many perks and privileges. You are paid even for your idle time during which there is no production due to an accidental fault in the system. But, when you kill your productive time by gossiping, chit-chatting with your colleagues, and wandering without any reason, it causes significant delays in the completion of important tasks. It also shows that you are killing your time and willfully remaining idle.
Johnson, your bad habit of being idle is not acceptable. Owing to it, the performance of your team is not at par with desired standards. In addition, the company is also incurring financial losses due to your unprofessionalism. You are hereby warned to remain careful in the future and get yourself acquainted with your job duties.
To develop a better understanding of your job, we are sending you a copy of the employee handbook along with this warning letter. Please read that carefully and don’t give us any further chance to discuss such issues with you.
If you fail to show us a desirable change in your behavior and keep doing things in a bad way, we shall be compelled to terminate your service right away.